↑ Pull request #1117: NFS:MW - implement windowed mode by xan1242 - last accessed on.Which is very low for such an old game and high-end hardware from 2015. GTX 1070 and I7 4790K: around 113 FPS in the main menu and around 85-99 FPS during a Quick race with max (advanced) settings with not other tweaks or fixes applied and Vsync disabled. ↑ 11.0 11.1 Verified by User:Mrtnptrs on.↑ 10.0 10.1 Need for Speed Most Wanted (2005) Widescreen Fix - last accessed on.Tested and indeeds adds features it promised, like widescreen resolution support.
↑ Need For Speed Most Wanted (2005) Widescreen Fix - GitHub - last accessed on. Only a very short, like 1 second, loading screen might appear just before the main menu is shown. Indeed, renaming attract_movie_english_ntsc.vp6, ealogo_english_ntsc.vp6, and psa_english_ntsc.vp6 or removing them indeed allows the game to boot directly to the main menu without any input. ↑ New FOV Values, Updates, and Adjustments #1027 - ThirteenAG/WidescreenFixesPack - GitHub - last accessed on. ↑ EA - Patch 1.3 Changelog (retrieved) - last accessed on. ↑ EA Games - Need for Speed: Most Wanted- Black Edition (retrieved) - last accessed on. ↑ Microsoft - MS15-097: Description of the security update for the graphics component in Windows: Septemlast accessed on. ↑ Not Loading in Windows 10 this will break thousands of - Microsoft Community - last accessed on. 13.16 MW - XBOX 360 Cutscenes to PC (PAL & NTSC). 13.5 Unlimiter with Extra Customization. 13.1 Disable AI catch-up (rubber band effect). 11.5 Can't set shadows in in-game settings menu on an Intel GPU. #Nfs most wanted 2012 save 100 install#
11.2 Can't install both NFS Underground and NFS Most Wanted (2005) on the same PC.10.2 Game crashes when beating Blacklist 4 and marker selection rewards using some unofficial mods.10.1 Game crashes when executed in Asian languages.